Blog Archives

rain rifle

Mount Surprise Scout 3

On my third scout on the slopes of Mount Surprise Viam Fec made a way to its first mountain summit in the White Mountains in the Great North Woods. It’s been a day of constant drenching rain, increasingly thick jungle-like foliage as trees and shrubs sprout fresh Spring leaves and shoots, blown-down trees by the […]

Airport Flight Paths

On my two recent Mount Surprise Scout 1 and Mount Surprise Scout 2 explorations I experienced low flying aircraft almost directly above my position. On the first scout the aircraft was a small propeller driven private aircraft.  On the second scout three large military cargo type aircraft roared overhead. With aircraft suddenly appearing from behind […]

Weak Magazine Springs

A Bear That is a Scout Training Aide On my first Viam Fec scout I had the fortune to meet a black bear that was busy working a hunters bait station.  Apples and a salt block had been placed on a stump and the bear had been digging there when I came into the area […]

Mount Surprise Scout 2

Today I decided to explore more of the lower elevations on the north slope of Mount Surprise just one gully east of the camp I discovered a few days ago. On this trip I parked my truck on a pull-off from Route 2 in Shelburne just east of the Town and Country Motor Inn. Then […]

Did the Fighting in Vietnam

This morning I received an email from [John Doe, name changed] a veteran of Vietnam 1967 – 1968, disabled during his service. The following relates several emails between us: Thank you for caring, Mr. Fontaine.  I’m one of the 10% that did the fighting in Vietnam and this (Tyranny in America) is making me sick.